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100% pure virgin wool lap blankets are  made with KristaSheep fleece (wool coats of the animal)  that is saved when the sheep have their spring haircuts (shearing).  Removing the fleece (wool) from the sheep is important to keep the sheep cool and healthy through the warm seasons.  After shearing, the sheep continue on to the summer pasture at Wiles Lake farm feeling light and cool for the summer.  Throughout the summer and fall seasons the sheep grow another lovely thick fleece to keep them warm throughout the winter.

The shorn fleece (wool) is delivered to MacAusland's Woolen Mill, Prince Edward Island, where they weave them into cozy, warm, natural, wool, lap blankets.  MacAusland's has been weaving blankets since 1932.   KristaSheep is pleased to partner with this local family owned business to offer a locally made, naturally wool product with minimal carbon footprint.

Lap blanket size : approx. 48 inches x 60 inches

.....wool is a natural product, each blanket has its own dimensions

Natural or colours.  

Solids, tweeds and checkerboard patterns.


note: price shown must be plus the required HST 

Lap Blanket

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